Straight Ahead! - Don't Be That Guy

The Urban Dictionary defines “don’t be that guy” as what you say to someone who is acting stupidly or with
a high degree of lameness or foolishness. When somebody is being dumb or annoying you say to them, “Dude, don’t be that guy.”

“...Anyone (who) is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like.” Don’t be that guy!

In this passage, James describes a person behaving stupidly, lamely, and foolishly. They presumably value spiritual truth, taking time to understand what God’s Word says vis-à-vis their own life experiences: their actual behavior,

character, and motivation. But then, having obtained that tremendous insight about themselves, they do nothing about it! They simply walk away from the understanding they gained. They are unwilling to embrace the spiritual insights God brought into focus for them. Consequently, they are unable to incorporate these truths into their life; they experience no growth or transformation; and languish in a cycle of stagnancy. Let’s do everything we can to not be that guy.

What a tragedy! To come so close to experiencing the blessings and rest of God, but then ultimately miss it. Hebrews 3:16—4:12 describes the necessary three-step process of entering (experiencing) God’s rest: 1) we hear the Word, understanding what it says about God, me, others, and life, 2) we believe the Word, embracing it as what is true and real, and 3) we obey the Word, advancing in life and ministry as God transforms us into the image of his Son. This process is best described as “faithful obedience.” As we develop a practice of faithful obedience, we are transformed from who we were, having become a new man/woman, and are no longer “that guy.”

The obedience that God desires to see in our lives is not a ritualistic, legalistic conformance to a set of rules.

“As we develop a practice of faithful obedience, we are transformed from who we were”

Instead, it is the “natural” outgrowth of belief. I naturally align my life to what I believe is really real. God desires that we believe his Word, so that we will willingly, enthusiastically, effortlessly, align ourselves to it. Are you being that guy?

It starts with a hard look in the mirror, carefully examining our actions, words, relationships, character, call, design, and motivations. It requires a willingness to be led by the Holy Spirit in a life of disciplined

practice that reinforces God’s truth in these essential areas. The Holy Spirit uses his Word, focusing us on the image of ourselves reflected in his Word, allowing us to discern our deepest thoughts and the desires of our heart through spiritual dissection (Hebrews 4:12), in order to grow us in life and leadership.

It is not an easy process, and it is best accomplished in relationship with others over an extended period
of time... Individuals wholove you, walk with you,desire God’s best for you, and are able to strengthen, encourage and exhort you in your journey of hearing, believing, and obeying God’s Word. IBL’s counseling ministry is specifically structured to develop this kind of relationship and experience this kind of journey.

Don’t be that old guy. Be the new guy God intends you to be.